Spectacular Triumph. It seizes the attention of today’s ‘sound bite’ savvy audience. A superb combination of media and historians. Faith & Fate is vital in giving our children a sense of vision, understanding of the present and a head start for the future.
Monty Penkower, PhD – Emeritus Professor of Modern Jewish History Machon Lander Graduate School, Jerusalem
The exciting pace of the films engages the 21st century eye while the depth of the support materials and its modular format empowers teachers and students to navigate and absorb the information in a dynamic way. It’s the best produced media materials I’ve ever seen.
Emily Witty, Head of the Educational Resource Center Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York
Faith and Fate has raised the bar – this is the first time media materials, of this outstanding quality and contents have been specifically produced as a resource for teachers to teach 20th century Jewish History – in the context of World History.
Joshua Gurewitsch, History Department Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, Baltimore
Our educational distribution initiative into schools is headed up Destiny’s our full time Director of Educational Programming, Dr. Nachum Amsel, an experienced and respected educator. See Video
Other than approaching schools on an individual basis, Dr. Amsel has presented, and will continue to run workshops at all the key Jewish educational and community conferences in the U.S. and internationally (RAVSAK, AJOP, Torah Mesorah, CAJE, PEJE, The GA, The Orthodox GA, and Torah Mitzion, etc.).
One result from the workshops, and our research with educators, is that there is a real demand and need to follow up with teacher support and training for our films and programming. We are working on this.
In the last year over 300 schools and organizations have committed to use Destiny’s materials. See Schools
Official Approvals
Destiny’s educational films and multi-media educational materials have been approved by The Board of Jewish Education of New York, The New York State Board of Education, The Educational Department of the Jewish Agency, Misrad HaChinuch Israel, and the Boards of Jewish Education in Australia and South Africa.

In the United States:
After The Board of Jewish Education of New York reviewed Faith & Fate and our initial Educators’ Study Guide, they convened and ran a teachers conference to discuss, review and recommend how the content and format of the multi-media materials, for the series could be improved o fit educators’ needs. Twenty teachers attended – and followed through with comments on the materials that were being produced. See Letter See Video
In Israel:
Misrad HaHinuch, the government’s Religious Educational Administration Department, has committed to use Faith & Faith throughout all its schools.
See Letter
The Jewish Agency’s Machon l’Madrichei l’Chutz l’Aretz, the Institute for Leadership Training Abroad, has invited Destiny to lecture and present its programming to its ongoing groups of visiting community leaders from around the world.
See Letter
The Jewish Agency’s Schlichim Division has recommended Destiny’s materials to their +/- 300 worldwide representatives to use our programming. See Letter
Kollel Mitzion Religious Zionist Kollels have committed to using Destiny’s programming worldwide and have asked Dr. Amsel to give workshops to their Schlichim. See Letter
The History Channel in Israel has successfully screened The Miracle of Israel and have included our educational materials in their “Bagrut” Matriculation Educational Programming. They have committed to broadcast all future episodes of Faith and Fate. See Letter
We have yet to approach Jewish educational organizations and schools in Europe, Russia, and South America. We are using our present funding to support and establish credibility for Destiny’s programming presently being used in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia and Israel.
See South African Letter See South African Video
Israel, Army
There have been discussions on integrating Destiny’s Jewish History materials into the army’s educational programming. Again this needs funding to translate all our materials into Hebrew.
We are keeping a database of all schools, colleges, synagogues, and organizations that are using Destiny’s films and educational materials.
We are encouraging teachers and program directors to complete feedback forms so we can track effectiveness, comments and suggestions. See Feedback Form