Previews & samples of the educators guide
Faith & Fate The Dawn of the Century 1900-1910
Mendel Beiliss
Micha Yosef Berdichevsky
Hayyim Nahamn Bialik
Chofetz Chaim
Alfred Dreyfus
Asher Ginzburg
Aharon David Gordon
David Ben-Gurion
Theodor Herzl
Rabbi Abraham Issac Kook
Rabbi Jacob Joseph
Emma Lazarus
Vladimir Lenin
Czar Nicholas II
Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Reines
Theodore Roosevelt
Rabbi Israel Salanter
Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schechter
Jacob Schiff
Rabbi Y. Yizchok Schneerson
Alter of Slabodka
Nachum Sokolow
Oscar Strauss
Leon Trotsky
Menahem Ussishkin