- D. Many of the leaders of the people were Jews. they learned the lessons of this failed revolution and used those lessons to prepare for the next (successful) revolution in 1917. Many Jews, as a reasult of the revolution (and other factors) concluded that Russian was no longer the motherland, and desided to leave forever. Most left for the United States in a large
emigration shortly after this revolution.
The year is 1905. Your best friends have decided to march en masse in front of the Czar’s palace in St. Petersburg to protest working conditions. You know that there is a good chance that there will be violence at this demonstration, and you may get physically injured. You have a wife and children. Your best friends urge you to join them. Do you go to the demonstration? What are the reasons to go to the demonstration? What are the reasons to stay home? Which values are more important? Would it make a difference if you are one of the workers being affected by the result of the demonstration? Why or why not? Is there a middle ground that could be struck?
For further information, analysis, web sites and study by the teacher and or student on this topic, please refer to the Data Disk of Episode I Educators’ Guide. Feel free to contact Rabbi Dr. Nachum Amsel for any questions or issues Nachum@jewishdestiny.com or phone 212-444-1656 – (note time difference to Israel when calling.)