Country”. It was only many decades later when Saturday became a leisure day in the United States and laws were passed to protect religious freedoms, when Jews were not forced to work on Shabbat.
You were brought up observing Shabbat and all of the Torah Commandments in Europe. When you arrived in America a few weeks ago, in 1915, you found a job quickly, but you were fired when you come in the following Monday to work, since you did not show up to work on Saturday. This scenario repeated itself a few times. You are a good and talented worker and keep finding jobs every Monday. Yesterday, you were lucky to just find a good-paying job, but the boss warned that if you did not work on Saturday, you would be immediately fired. Should you come to work and give up your Shabbat observance? List the reasons to work and the reasons not to work. What do you ultimately decide and why?
For further information, analysis, web sites and study by the teacher and or student on this topic, please refer to the Data Disk of Episode II Educators’ Guide. Feel free to contact Rabbi Dr. Nachum Amsel for any questions or issues or phone 212-444-1656 – (note time difference to Israel when calling.)